An increasing interest in applying 3D printing is noticeable in orthopaedic / orthopedic engineering. This development will change the traditional workflow towards digital manufacturing of scanning, modeling, printing and assembling of orthopedic and medical devices.
3D printing enables functional end products to be used directly for the patient. The speed of production and personalization of for example leg prostheses, orthotics (braces) and hand splints are of added value in the workflow of the instrument manufacturers.
Benefits 3D printing and Orthopedic instrument Manufacturing & Rehabilitation
- Scanning instead of plastering a patient
- Perfectly fitting product
- Wear comfort for a patient (the 3D aid is lighter in weight)
- Personalizing a prosthesis is possible with text and colour
- Use digital data as initial readings for reproduction
- Scanning on location, convenience for the patient
Orthopedic instrument making:
- More efficient production; fewer man hours in
- the workplace
- Reduce delivery times
- Little (plaster) waste
Health insurance:
- Cheaper care
Examples of 3D printing and Orthopedics:
- Ortheses / Braces
- Prostheses
- Splints
- Orthopedic footwear
- Insoles
- Corsets
- Sportbraces